
美しくなりたいの・・。 ほうれい線、たるみ、シミ、肝斑、クマ、毛穴・・ついにきた老化問題に全力で迎え撃つつもりの人のブログ。バンコク在住です。→2019年現在はベトナム、ホーチミン在住です。

Low-GI Food: KITHUL TREACLE (Kithul Honey) is effective for anti-aging!


The only 1 product I thought “must try to buy at Sli-Lanka” was “KITHUL TREACLE”.

Since I found “coconut treacle” as a unfamiliar product for me at Thailand, I have been very interested in the similar product “Kithul Treacle” at Sli-Lanka.


Then I finally got “kithul treacle” when I visited Sli-Lanka.

The label shows kithul treacle, but I learned that “kithul honey” and “kithul peni” are also same one. they are all using for treacle of kithul.

and Kithul is “孔雀椰子” (peacock palm) in Japanese.

It is 1 kind of palm, but it has a very different appearance from the  type of coconuts we imagine by word “palm”.

As the name “peacock palm”, the fruits of Kithul at a tree looks like the wings of peacock.

Actually we Japanese tend to mix “palm” and “coconuts”, so we imagine “coconuts” actually if we hear “palm”.

So I thought kithul treacle and coconuts treacle are not so different, but actually a bit different.


BTW, how is the tast and texture of  Kithul Treacle?

they are really like the maple syrup.

and I had heard it also taste slightly like “dashi” (JP traditional soup seasoning by fish, seaweed) in Japan.

But for me, not really. probably a really bit.

Rather than that, it was very good taste as my 1st impression.

It seems good to paste to a bread, and I prefer the taste than the honey or maple syrup.

it’s also more tasty than coconuts flower syrup which is a bit sour.

and it is low GI food and  I can say it is a healthy sweetener. can recommend for dietary control for diabetes, obesity, anti-aging.

also reasonable. (less than 2 US $ for 350 ml).

So I was really satisfied to get it as the souvenir for myself from Sli-lanka to Thailand!

Of the unrefined syrup, kithul is not only a low GI food but also rich with many health-promoting minerals and acids. It contains polyphenols which are antioxidants, organic acids which are bioactive, amino acids which have many functions, beta carotenes that cause to produce Vitamin A and ascorbic acid or Vitamin C that improves immunity.


It is the traditional sweetener in Sli-Lanka, and very general for people in Sli-Lanka.

and it started to be known at whole world as well  because of their characters as “low GI”, “functional food”. then they are now trying to import to the world! but still there are hygiene control issue to meet the world standard.

the other hands, we can say it is still fully organic, fully hand-made, fully traditional!

they are boiled down a bit after gaining from the flowers, but processing step is only this 1 step as I heard.

So I guess  possibly it can contain some insect bodies or bird droppings, and couldn’t remove perfectly..  but I guess it is healthier than foods with artificial additives.

I couldn’t gain any information about the accurate GI of kithul honey, (just I know it is called “low GI” ), so I don’t say we should take it actively, but I would rather use this than using sugar or eating processed sweets like chocolate, or cookies at the convenience stores!


 - antiaging, organic, Sri-Lanka, diet, antidiabetes, antioxidants, Healthy Dietary Habits


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