
美しくなりたいの・・。 ほうれい線、たるみ、シミ、肝斑、クマ、毛穴・・ついにきた老化問題に全力で迎え撃つつもりの人のブログ。バンコク在住です。→2019年現在はベトナム、ホーチミン在住です。

4 kinds of Essential Oils for Mite Repellence in Thailand!


They are the oils I could get easily in Bangkok,Thailand to get rid of Mites from my bed!

I heard they are really effective as mite repellent oil.

Also they are not expensive here and sell anywhere.

I am curious of the other effects of these oils and researched those.


1 Eucalyptus Oil

You can find Oil of Eucalyptus of PARROT BLAND are widely used in Thailand.

It’s only 50thb for 8.5cc. (it is the smallest package. there are many sizes of package.)

There are the other brands, similar prices also.

From prices and wide line ups, I really understood they are very commonly used here in Thailand.

But why?

Eucalyptus is from Australia. not form Thailand, neither South Eastern Asia.

And I got the answer.

Yes, it is originally from Australia. But the Eucalyptus trees planting has been widely encouraged in Thailand as a good business for developing countries.

Because the trees of Eucalyptus are very tough to grow up on every severe environment and rapidly grow up.

So it is easy to get pulp chips for paper stocks and help the people to get cash income.

(But it is suggested  there are also environmental problems to plant such a strong species.)

Anyway that’s why Eucalyptus oil is familiar and reasonable here.

Effects (Benefits) of Eucalyptus Oil

  • bactericidal action
  • anti inflammation
  • relief of muscular aches & pains
  • disinfection of scar
  • insect repellence
  • deodorization effect

Effects (Benefits) of Eucalyptus Oil Aroma

  • increasing concentration
  • sedation, calming
  • relief of nasal congestion
  • relief of sore throat
  • cold prevention (antibacterial activity for your lungs when you inhale it)

I like this strong rich refreshing aroma.

I feel the both stimulation and relaxing power from this green fresh scent!


2 Lemmon grass (ตะไคร้ ta-k-ra-i ) Oil

I can not find it in any drug store.

So I bought aroma essential oil in the aroma essential oil shop.

Benefit of Lemmon grass oil

  • Insect repellent effect
  • Deodorant action
  • Analgesic effect
  • Antiinflammatory effect
  • It works for muscle pain, back pain, stiff shoulder
  • Digestion promoting action
  • Blood flow promotion action (effective for swelling)
  • Fungicidal action (Effect of athlete’s foot)
  • Convergent action of the skin (tightening pores)
  • Balance the balance of sebum secretion (effective for acne)

Benefit of Lemmon grass oil Aroma

  • The effect of refreshing feelings
  • Sedative effect
  • Relaxing effect
  • Increase spirit, enhance vitality, concentration effect (antidepressant effect)

3 Citronella(ตะไคร้ ta-k-ra-i-hor-n ) Oil


Citronella is same to Lemmon grass!?

Actually NO. but similar species and similar effects.

What is the different?

The biggest difference is delicious or not.

So Lemon grass is very common for Thai kitchen but no one eat Citronella because it is not yummy.

But Citronella has more strong scent and insects really dislike the scents.

So if you go the drag store in Thailand, the most  natural mosquito repellents use not Lemon grass but Citronella as a main ingredient.

The benefits of Citronella

  • Same to Lemon grass

<another effects>

  • relief of migraine
  • antiperspiration activities

4 Tea Tree Oil

It’s also common in Thailand!

I could find it in a lot of drag stores.

In addition, I used it before for teeth and it is very effective to refresh my mouth and brighten the teeth!

I really felt the effect of anti bacteria!

So I can believe it has also strong effect of insect repellence.

But it is bit more expensive than the other 4 oils I mentioned upper.

it’s around 350THB for 15- 20ml.

That’s why I didn’t buy it this time.

I estimate it is only exported. not made from Thailand.

Basically they are from Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia.

Bactericidal effect is very strong and widely effective for many kinds of bacterias.

But it has also side effect.

Especially it is dangerous for dogs and cats.

It’s better to buy the product from Australia because it has a regulation to restrict percentage of toxic component ”1,8-cineole”.


 - herb ,



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