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Comparison of 3 TOP brands of Mangosteen soap in Thailand!


You can find many kinds of mangosteen soaps sold in Thailand.

Personally, I think mangosteen soap is the most recommendable souvenir of Thailand for everyone!

First of all, the quality and the function as a soap is very nice.

Second, it is not expensive, not heavy, not bulky.. so you can carry easily.

Third, it is vey exotic and really Thai original product.

Forth, it is good for almost everyone!

So I frequently buy them as the souvenirs for my friends in Japan when I go back to Japan.


What is the superior points of mangosteen soap?

The most fabulous point of mangosteen is the shell of the fruits.

They contain strong antioxidant ingredients which has anti-aging effect.

In addition, their peering effect and brightening effect by AHA are famous.

Bactericidal, Anti-acne, prevent odor effect are also obvious!


“Abhaiherb” is the most important and famous brand of herb products in Thailand!

マンゴスチン石鹸 5個セット 【タイ産】

Abhaiberb is the most important and reliable brand to get to know the Thai herb products.

It has been supported by Hospital founded by Thai royal family ,WHO and Thai national organization.

So this brand is a part of the national project to study and promote Thai traditional use of herb.

All ingredients for products are made at their organic farm.

And the price is really reasonable.

  • color:purple
  • texture:hard
  • sense of use:refreshing
  • aroma:subtle
  • price:30THB
  • Net content:100g
  • Point:Abhaiherb product! So ingredients’ s quality, safety and reliability are all good. and reasonable. But the box of soap seams cheap. and For oily skin.  


“MAITHONG” is the most recommendable brand of Mangosteen soap!

マンゴスチン ハーバルソープ 5セット「Maithong (マイ・トーン)」 (並行輸入商品)

[amaQzonjs asin=”B01D2M66T6″ locale=”JP” title=”(マイトーン)MAITHONG マンゴスチン 石鹸 ソープ”]

We can get this soap everywhere.

at Seven Eleven, TOPS market etc… any major chain supermarkets and convenience stores.

It means this product of this brand has been recognized in Thailand.

I think by both local and tourists.

Personally speaking,  this mangosteen soap is the No.1 reliable soap in Thailand for me.

I have repeated to use many times.

Actually I like the sense of use more than Abhaiherb one.

  • color:pale pink to pale violet
  • texture:soft
  • sense of use:mild
  • aroma:mild
  • price:about 55THB
  • Net content:100g
  • Point:The wrapping is beatiful and presents an image of high-quality, so it is good for the souvenir. and can feel their AHA effect (brightening effect, peeling effect) well after using. And Sense of use is also good. I would say it is the best for the souvenir!


“KHAOKHO TALAYPU” is also a very reliable brand.

On an individual basis, this brand line is very reliable.

I am a big fan of the shampoo and conditioner.

They sell many products and also many kind of soaps.

And the effects and sense of use is very depending on the ingredients.




  • color:pale brown
  • texture:middle
  • sense of use:more mild
  • aroma: strong, but natural good scent
  • price:about 55THB
  • Net content:80g
  • point:This is alos a product of very famous natural herb brand. So reliable. Scent, Sense of use are good. But as a general souvenir, the package is not superb because they don’t present what is Mangosteen well for foreigner who never visit tropical countries. But it seems really organic and natural! So it is very nice souvenir  for organic product lover!




Anyway  I can recommend all of these products.

Over all, I want to say that the  mangosteen soaps  are the good souvenir in Thailand.

 - abhaiherb, KHAOKHO TALAYPU, Soap in Asia, Thai Cosmetic Brand, Bangkok Beauty, Skin brightening, 色素沈着


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