
美しくなりたいの・・。 ほうれい線、たるみ、シミ、肝斑、クマ、毛穴・・ついにきた老化問題に全力で迎え撃つつもりの人のブログ。バンコク在住です。→2019年現在はベトナム、ホーチミン在住です。

I succeeded to Lift up my Face with BCAA!!


It is not all fancy.

I fancy My body line become younger recently.

And at the same time, my face line also has been lift up and become sharp.

I don’t  need to care so much about my smile line and marionette line I recently really care about.

Over all, I seems like me at 3 years ago or 5 years ago!?


I think it is because I started hard sports with taking BCAA.

So I could more muscle and less fat.

I believe it make my body line and face line more solid.



I could feel I can have more stamina taking BCAA tablets with water before starting sports though I sweat much more.

It also prevent the excess muscle pain and tiredness.

And I really felt my body rapidly has changed.

So BCAA can promote my muscle growth and loss fat.


I am taking BCAA of this brand。

Optimum Nutrition, オプティマムニュートリション, BCAA Caps, Mega-Size, 1000 mg, 400 Capsules


BCAA is very famous supplement for body builder, athlete and sports fan.

But I know it is very popular for the dieter who want to reduce their fat with jogging or aerobics.

My favorite sports I am currently into needs the both side, aerobic exercise and muscle training.

And I found it is effective for not only body but also my face lift up!!


 - iHerb, Face Lift Up, smile line, antiaging, diet, fatigue, Build Muscle


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